

Parse an a2l file to retrieve all required data. Two files are created: a .dbc file for CanDbc, and a daq.txt file for the ccp daq protocol.


parse_a2l a2l=[a2l_file] var=[variable_file] id=[CAN_ID] daq=[daq.txt] dbc=[can.dbc]


a2l Specify the path and name of the a2l file to parse.
var Specify the path and name of the file that contains the list of variables to be in the .dbc file
id Optional. Specify the HEX value of the CAN_ID_FIXED parameter in the a2l file under DISPLAY_IDENTIFIER. The default is: 7D8
daq Optional. Specify the path and name of the daq.txt file to write out. The default is /specs/parse_daq.txt.
dbc Optional. Specify the path and name of the can.dbc file to write out. The default is /specs/parse_can.dbc.


 parse_a2l a2l=/specs/MT88_PSI_Bi_Fuel_17p11p10NS7.a2l var=/specs/a2l.lst id=7D8 daq=/tmp/daq.txt

The preceding reads the /specs/a2l.lst file and keeps track of all of desired variables. Then it reads the /specs/MT88_PSI_Bi_Fuel_17p11p10NS7.a2l file and parses all of the information pertaining to the variable list from the variable file. Once it extracts all of that data, it writes 2 files, the /tmp/daq.txt file and the /specs/parse_can.dbc files for CanDbc to use ccp daq protocol.


 Arguments can be in any order

See Also:
