Enable the CanDbc application to change the baud rate of can devices
without requiring a sudo password.
sudo /cyflex/cmds/enable_candbc_nospasswd
The enable_candbc_nospasswd modifies the /etc/sudoers file and adds
the following line:%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/ip,/usr/bin/link
This line allows the test cell account user to execute the ip and
link commands, which require root/sudo privileges, without needing
to enter a sudo password. The line could be added manually if
preferred, but the command does it automatically.Without this modification, the user will need to execute the
following commands when changing the baud rate for a device
using CanDbcsudo ip link set canX down
sudo ip link set canX up type can bitrate <rate>where X is the integer representing the can device
and <rate> represents the baud rate