10: Standard Services

Command Purpose

Monitor various functions which are necessary for engine operation. The task is normally launched in the /cell/go.scp start-up script.


Maintain a current copy of the “gp_template” file at all test cells.

child_adm Initialize the administrator task to continuously wait for messages signaling dead tasks so it can kill/terminate all sub-tasks and processes related to the dead task(s). This task is executed by the ‘go’ script and does not require command-line execution.
cleanup Remove old or excessive number of files
clear_error Send a message to the error manager that will cause the error message queue to be deleted. Running the command “errs” after this will only show errors generated after the clear_error command was issued.
clear_watchdog Send a message to the scheduler to have it reset any reconfiguration overruns. As a result the ‘watch_dog’ DO’ should become active and toggle at its normal rate.

comp_perf processes the following computations on a continuous basis:

  • automatic speed calibration of an analog speed channel vs. a frequency speed channel
  • water pump performance factor (MED rate)
  • wind direction resolution to 16 compass points (SLO rate)
cpubind Set/Get current CPU affinity for a running task.
cpu_util Determine CPU utilization for 3 scheduler intervals

Create variables for other applications in the general usage memory areas.

duty_cycle Perform duty cycle analysis.
email_mgr Use the email_mgr to wait for errors messages to occur, and if those error messages should be emailed, it will email the correct people.
error_mgr Use error_mgr to create the /data/errors/errors.db and receive error messages from tasks.
er_specs Process event response specifications
evaluate Process user-defined expressions
evaluateArrVar Process user-defined expressions
evnt_adm Administer events.
evnt_rsp Perform real-time processing in response to generation of an event.
rcs_specs Manage version control changes to specification files such as “inpt_specs.*” and other files which the user may modify.
scheduler Monitor the integrity of processes running in CyFlex
startup Issue the GLOBAL_RECON – RECON_DONE event that tells all applications to perform initialization functions and begin processing data as required.
start_asset Start CyFlex by executing a script under a new session.
surge Turbocharger Surge Margin computation
sys_start Initialize system start
tranMan Manage file transfers from CyFlex test cells to network servers

Move files from test cell nodes to the CyFlex Communications Node for this site. It runs automatically and does not require any user intervention.

usercron Create cron file from user editable file
vrbls_to_stat Compute CyFlex variables statistics