7: Control Systems

Command Purpose
abort_autotune Use abort_autotune if the autotuning process seems to be taking too long. Note that the length of time to autotune is dependent on the period of oscillation of the system.

Initiate tuning of a specified PID loop using the Ziegler-Nichols method (closed loop version – with relay caused oscillations). Note that the length of time to autotune is dependent on the period of oscillation of the system.

calc_gains Compute control loop gains after auto-tuning.
chirp Generate swept-frequency cosine signal
cmd_map_gen Generate control command map

Perform units translation of variables and place the result into variables which will be used for engine control by the ‘ctrl_task’ and compute acceleration rate of engine speed (dndt).

ctrl_cfg_dsply Display the new_state, action, subcode, index, and label information about the control configuration event when an event occurs.
ctrl_disp Display controller values
ctrl_params Use this utility to set gains for control loops using parameters specified in a datafile.
ctrl_spec_converter Use this script to create a new spec file that will work with the eng_ctrl_task in 6.3.x versions of CyFlex.
ctrl_specs Specify control task configuration
ctrl_specs_new Specify user loop configuration via keywords
ctrl_task Provide PID control algorithms for engine control and user control loops.
disp_dygains Display dyno controller gains.
dy Put the dyno controller in open loop mode with a specified OPEN_LOOP target.
dy_gains Set dyno gains.
dy_ramp Set dyno ramp.
eng_ctrl_specs Specify the engine control task configuration
eng_ctrl_task This task provides PID control algorithms for engine throttle and dyno(s). It will normally be spawned by the eng_ctrl_specs task but can also be started manually. It does not become active until configuration is completed successfully.
eng_specs Process Engine Specifications
filter_k Set or change the value of the filter coefficient on a specified AI or FI channel.
gen_load Sets DO bits that control relays in a load bank.
other Set target for ‘other’ control loop.
perf_labels Engine performance specifications
prbs Generate pseudo random binary sequence
prop Perform torque control to simulate a propeller.
pwm_ctrl PWM control task for the dilution flow actuator.
pwm_specs Specify a specification file for use by the pwm_ctrl task.
reset_dyno_int Set dyno controller integral term to 0.0
reset_int_term Zero out the integral term of a PID controller (i.e., to be able to start from the same zero initial conditions).
reset_throt_int Set throttle controller integral term to 0.0
set_dndt_k Set filter coefficient for engine acceleration (dN/dt) measurement
set_eng_mode Set engine control mode
set_eng_specs Set updated engine specs values.
set_eng_specs12 Set updated engine specs values.
set_lwr_bnd Set controller lower bound
set_upr_bnd Set controller upper bound
set_user Set User Control Loop Target
sp Set Speed target
th Put the throttle controller in open loop mode with a specified OPEN_LOOP target.
th_ff Switch throttle feed forward ON/OFF
th_gains Set throttle gains
th_ramp Set Throttle Ramp
to Set Torque target
torq_conv Specify torque converter characteristics.
torq_sched Specify a torque schedule as a function of speed.
update_user_specs Update the user control specification file with new gains and/or new values that are presently in feedback variables. This executable is not intended for end-users.
user_ctrl_specs Specify user control task configuration.
user_ctrl_task Provide PID control algorithms for user control loops. Normally spawned by the user_ctrl_specs task.
u_ctrl Change specification settings for a user_control task.
u_ff Switch user loop feed forward ON/OFF
u_gains User Control Loop Gains
u_mode User Control Loop Mode
u_ramp User Control Loop Ramp
u_target User Control Loop Target
u_toler User Control Loop Tolerance
v4_ctrl Slave Froude V4 controller to CyFlex