

Set a state active or inactive and set the priority for that state if it is ON. This utility creates a utl.TCN.timestamp file in /data/utl/ready/TCN containing the specified state change.


msu_set <key> <on/off> [priority]



Specify a key for the short state descriptions (see example keys below).


Specify “on” to turn the state on or “off” to turn the state off. The default is “on”. If the priority field is to be other than zero, then this on/off field must be entered as well.


Optional. Specify a number from 0 to 3. The default is 0. Use this only when the state is being turned “on”.


msu_set Proto off
The above command sets the “Engine Prototype Parts” state to OFF.

msu_set Mech_Cell on 3
The above command sets the “Mechanic working on cell” state to ON and the priority to 3.

msu_set Spt
The above command sets the “Waiting on Support Engr” state to ON and the priority to 0 (on is the default state and 0 is the default priority).


Note that more than one state may be active at any time. This utility is used to set a state active or inactive and to set the priority for that state if it is ON

The exact spelling of the “key” must be used.

Current keys vary from one site to another.  A list of valid keys can be found within the /data/state_codes file on a test cell.  Example valid keys are shown below (for CTC). The keys are the right-most column.

Running 0 Run
Cold Soak 0 Cold_Soak
Interval Testing 0 Interval_Test
Mechanic Working On Engine 0 Mech_Eng
Wait for Mechanic 0 Mech_Wait
MechanicWorking on Cell 0 Mech_Cell
Waiting on test Engr 0 TE
Waiting on Supt Engr 0 Spt
Unable to Run Unattended 0 Unbl_Unattended
Per Test Plan: Cold Soak or Scheduled Maintenance 0 Per_Test_Plan
Engineering Other 0 Eng_Other
Waiting on Instrumentation 0 Inst_Wait
Instrumentation Work In Progress 0 Inst_WIP
Instrumentation Preventative Maintenance 0 Inst_PM
Waiting on Facilities 0 Fac_Wait
Facilities Work in Progress 0 Fac_WIP
Facilities Dyno installation 0 Fac_Dyno
Facilities Preventative Maintenance 0 Fac_PM
Corporate Facilities 0 Corp_Fac
Waiting on Emissions 0 Ems_Wait
Emissions Work In Progress 0 Ems_WIP
Emissions Preventative Maintenance 0 Ems_PM
Waiting on Tech Asst 0 TA_Wait
Tech Asst Work In Progress 0 TA_WIP
Tech Asst Dyno Controls 0 TA_Dyno
Tech Asst Preventative Maintenance 0 TA_PM
Tech Asst Engineering 0 TA_Eng
Unexpected Shutdown 0 Unxp
Engine Prototype Parts 0 Proto
Stockroom Parts 0 Stock
Installation 0 Install
Cell empty – nothing waiting 0 NoQ_Empty
Nothing after this test 0 NoQ_Last
Diagnostic 0 Diag
Off-Line Construction 0 Off_Const
Off-Line Upgrade 0 Off_Upgrd
Network or Utilities Not Available 0 Off_NetUtil
External Applied Mech 0 Ext_AppMech
External Controls 0 Ext_Controls
External Supplier 0 Ext_Supply
Other external cause 0 Ext_Cause
External Machine Shop 0 Ext_Mshop
Running CyberApps 0 Cyber_Run
Waiting on ELab 0 ELab_Wait
ELab work in progress 0 ELab_WIP
ELab preventative maintenance 0 ELab_PM
Waiting on ELab parts 0 ELab_Part_Cell
Starter Disabled 0 Starter_Disable

See Also:

select_type, select_model, select_group, select_vpi