

PWM control task for the dilution flow actuator.


pwm_ctrl <actuator> <priority> <interval> [+c]



Specify the CyFlex label assigned to the actuator that will be controlled via pulse width modulation.


Specify the priority level.


Specify an existing process interval to set the master scheduler rate. SLO and 1000 are acceptable values if the SLO interval is one second but random intervals are not.

The interval is only used to signal the master scheduler to indicate that the process is alive.  It does not indicate how often control calculations are done.  Generally, SLO, MED, and FAS are used depending on the criticality of the controlled variable.


Optional. Specify this flag to indicate that the task should be registered as a critical task. If the task dies, CyFlex will stop the test being run.


pwm_ctrl exh_rest 10 SLO +c
The above command applies pwm control to the exhaust restriction. The task is also registered as watchdog-critical. If it stops responding CyFlex will stop the active test.

pwm_ctrl DilFlow 8 SLO +c
The above command starts the PWM control task for the dilution flow actuator with a priority of 8 and a master scheduler process interval of the slow rate. The task is watchdog-critical. If it stops responding CyFlex will stop the active test.


After starting pwm_ctrl, the task must be configured via the pwm_specs command.

See Also:

Pulse With Modulation Control, pwm_specs