

Execute the run number manager.


run_num_mgr.10c <app_name> <rnm_filename> <run_num_lbl> <temp_flag_lbl>



Specify the application name associated with this task. There may be multiple tasks on the networks for the same application but there should only be one task per application per node.


Specify the full path to the file where the last run number is stored.


Specify the label of the run number label variable.


Specify the label that indicates whether a hot or cold cycle is being run. Do not use this argument if run numbers are not CVS run numbers. If this label is specified and the value of the variable is FALSE, the returned run number is incremented to the next group of 10.

Note: The engine serial number must be in a CyFlex variable “serial” in order for the system to work properly for CVS run numbers.

WARNING: If there is a problem getting a run number, the previous value will NOT be changed. Check to see if the value has changed before proceeding with a new test.


run_num_mgr.10c   CVS_EAST  /cell/tables/rnm_file  runNum_CVS  hot_cycle
Starts the run number manager with labels ‘runNum_CVS’ for the run number and ‘hot_cycle’ for the hot/cold cycle flag. The run number mgr’s application is ‘CVS_EAST’. The run number information is located in file /cell/tables/rnm_file. If the hot_cycle variable value is FALSE, the run number will be incremented to the next group of 10.

run_num_mgr.10c   ICD_RN  /cell/tables/icd_file   incidentNum
Starts the run number manager with labels ‘incidentNum’ for the run number and the run numbers are not CVS run numbers. The run number manager is an ICD_RN application. The run number information is located in file /cell/tables/icd_file.



See Also:

CVS Run Number Management