

Identify calibration tables that are in use and those not in use.


table_find [+r]



Optional. Specify this flag to delete unused calibration table files.


Generates the report

table_find +r
Generates the report and deletes the unused calibration table files


It also checks for units consistency between the calibration table and the variable using the table.

The last modified version of the file is displayed. 

The unused calibration tables are listed separately and ranked by modification date.

Unused calibration tables that have not been modified in several years can probably be deleted. In most cases, they have been backed up to node 1 in case they ever need to be restored. The +r command line option is used to delete the unused files.

Running this utility without the +r options does not delete or modify any files, it simply generates a report.

See Also:

Calibration Tables and Utilities