Produce a summary of the currently active calibrations in comparison to the previous calibration.
table_report [table_age=3] [tolerance=.005] [cal_age=2] [+f|+exceptions]
Optional. Specify the previous table age in days. This allows the program to skip multiple calibrations done on the same day in looking backward through the file to find the previous calibration. Note that this is the minimum difference between the most recent “ADJUSTED” calibration date and the date of the most recent previous “ADJUSTED” calibration. The default value is 3 days.
Optional. Specify the maximum deviation allowed between the current calibration and the previous one before a warning is printed. The default value is 0.01 (1).
Optional. Specify the maximum age in days for a table to be included in this report. The default value is 1825 (5 years). By setting this to a small values such as 2 days, only the calibrations that were performed within the last 2 days will be included.
Optional. Specify the number of days to subtract from the current date in order to extract the relative changes of prior calibrations rather than the relative change to the most recent calibration. Calibrations that are newer than “back” days are ignored when searching for the most recent calibration – normally this is set to zero. The default value is 0 days.
Optional. Specify this flag to indicate that the report should only include faulty calibrations, i.e., those for which the drift exceeds the tolerance.
Equivalent to +f
table_report >/ram/cal_report
table_report | more
table_report table_age=1 > /ram/cal_report
Use 1 day table_age requirementtable_report +exceptions
Report only ‘out-of-tolerance’ tablestable_report back=180
A deviation greater than 1 is flagged.
The report is based on files found in the /cell/tables/ directory. The current calibration is read from the *.tbl file and the previous data is derived from the *.save file.
The format of the *.save files has changed over time. There are 4 different formats that have been used, unfortunately. All but the oldest format can be read and used by this program. The oldest format, prior to 1997, does not contain the year and thus, cannot be used for comparisons.
Sometimes, a transducer calibration is performed more than once during a preventive maintenance process, resulting in several entries in the *.save file. To ignore the first of a series like this, we use an AGE_THRESHOLD. This allows us to skip over the first of a series and look further back to determine the calibration that had been in effect prior to the start of the PM process. The AGE_THRESHOLD is set by the command line options table_age=X, where X is in days.