Instruct the CanFD driver to send a message at a particular rate.
canfd_set <CanMessageID|MessageName> <SendInterval> [name=Register_name] [count=num_of_msgs] [index] [-C=n]
MessageNameSpecify either:
- The message ID from the *.dbc file.
- The message name from the *.dbc file.
Specify an integer to send a message to send a message at the specified value intervals. The default is 10 milliseconds.
name Optional. If you have given CanDbc a different register name rather than the default, you need this argument to make sure the correct ‘CanDbc’ task sends the message. The register name that you gave the ‘CanDbc’ is what you would have after the ‘name=’ Index
Optional. Specify an index to send repeated messages at different times. The default is 0.
Optional. Specify how many times you want to send the message before being removed. Default is infinite.
Optional. Specify the channel if both channels on are being used on an AC2 Card and the same CAN message can be sent from both channels.
canfd_set 100 50
Send the message on the default channel.canfd_set 100 1000 -c=1
Send the message on the second channel.canfd_set 100 1000 name=CanDbc2
Send the message on the default channel with a CanDbc task started with the register name “CanDbc2”.canfd_set 100 1000 name=CanDbc2 count=3
Send only 3 messages on the default channel with a CanDbc task started with the register name “CanDbc2”.