Change the Login on a Computer

To change the login on a computer from tc1 (old) to tc3 (new), the following steps should be taken:

sudo   nedit   /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc

  • Modify    AutoLoginUser=tc3 (to be the cell number)
  • Modify    DefaultUser=tc3

To change on the computer:

Click Start –>  Administration  –>Users and Groups  –  Enter the password when prompted

Within the User Manager dialog:

  • Click on the old tc1 User Name line
  • Click on the Properties button at the top
  • Change User Name, Full Name and Home Directory to tc3 (new cell)
  • When finished, click OK within the User Properties dialog
  • Exit out of the User Manager dialog

Execute the following steps from the command prompt:

cd  /home

execute:  sudo    mv    tc1    tc3 (tc that you are going to)

sudo    nedit   /etc/gdm/custom.conf

under [daemon]

edit   TimedLogin=tc3     to reflect new login

reboot  computer