This command:
- Checks whether another CyberApp is registered with CyFlex.
- Checks whether the model has a recognized app name as part of the model’s name. See Notes for recognized app names.
- Launches gen_labels on /specs/cyber_labels.<app_name> to create the appropriate CyFlex variables.
- Runs the CyberAppsResetOverrides script.
- Loads the specified CyberApp which executes one time step, and then goes into the paused state.
caLoad <model_name>
Specify the name of the matlab model pointed to using a symbolic link in /cyflex/bin.
caLoad cyber_car
The model that is attempting to be loaded must contain one of the following app names:
EngineTest Truck Car Genset Boat HybridAuto HybridManual HybridAMT The /specs/cyber_labels.<app_name> file must exist, otherwise the cyber_labels file corresponding to the model must be manually processed by gen_labels or within the “go” or “go.cyber” script.
See Also:
CyberApps User Guide on the Cummins SharePoint