

Display CSAR variable labels.


dump_csar_lookup [-c] [-C]



Specify this option to display a CSV map of CyFlex variables, CSAR names, External names, and owner names.


Specify this option to display the same content as the -c option but to also include the ECM prefix in the CSAR names. 


dump_csar_lookup  -c
The above command displays a CSV map of CyFlex variables, CSAR names, External names, and owner names.


dump_csar_lookup output can contain a large amount of data depending on the number of CSAR names used.
When using the -c/-C options it is recommended to use the grep command or a pager such as less to view data.
The CSV style of the output allows redirection to a file to save output. It can then be viewed by a spreadsheet application.

See Also: