
CyFlex 6.3 versions


Retrieve errors from the error manager database. The retrieved errors are written to a readable file. 


errs  t=[start_time]  c=[count]  n=[name]  p=[process_name]  tid=[Process ID]  f=[filename]  [debug]


t Optional. Specify an epoch time to display errors after the given epoch time. The default is the duration since the last go. Note that using a time value is easier.  
c Optional. Specify the maximum number of errors to display. The default is 1000 errors.
n Optional. Specify the path and name of the database to query.
p Optional. Specify the process name to pull on errors related to the process name. Note this does not work with the process ID argument.
tid Optional. Specify the process ID to pull on errors related to the process ID. Note this does not work with the process name argument.
f Optional. Specify a path and filename to pipe the output.  
debug Optional. Debug mode. This prints all of the errors to the console as well as the file, so should not be used by default.



The above command displays a list of 1000 of the newest errors logged since the last ‘go’ was performed or the last ‘clear_error’ command.

errs c=500

The above command displays a list of the 500 newest errors logged since the last ‘go’ was performed or since the last ‘clear error’ command.

errs c=1500 t=0

The above command displays a list of the 1500 newest errors logged since the beginning of time.

errs name=/data/errors/errors.db_backup

The above command displays a list of the 1000 newest errors logged since the last ‘go’ from the errors.db_backup database.

errs p=cell_mon

The above command displays the 1000 newest errors generated by ‘cell_mon’ CyFlex task.

errs tid=12345

The above command displays the 1000 newest errors generated by the process ID of 12345. This argument can be particularly useful when you are looking for a specific instance of a task that has multiple versions of it running like ‘gp_test’ or ‘compvar’. You can find the process ID by running the ‘sin’ command. Example:  sin -P compvar

errs p=cell_mon  f=/tmp/cell_mon.errors

The above command displays the 1000 newest errors generated by ‘cell_mon’ CyFlex task and output the errors to a file called /tmp/cell_mon.errors

errs  t=0  name=/data/errors/errors.db_backup   p=cell_mon  f=/tmp/cell_mon.errors  c=100

The above command displays the 100 newest errors generated by ‘cell_mon’ from the errors.db_backup since the beginning of time.

CyFlex.6.2 versions


Display a list of all errors logged since the last ‘go’ was performed or the last ‘clear_error’ command.







The above command displays a list of all the errors logged since the last ‘go’ was performed or the last ‘clear_error’ command.
