

Print the available memory size for common shared memory areas allocated for CyFlex variables and the portion of that which is used.

The available memory size is set by command line arguments on the ‘sys_start’ command in the ‘go.scp’ file. Type “use sys_start” to see the available options.

To change the memory size, modify the sys_start command line in the /cell/go.scp file and do a new ‘go’ (while the engine is not running).

In addition, the number of events that the system is using are reported versus the max number allowed. The max number allowed is a command line argument of the “evnt_adm” which is launched in the go.scp. If the percentage of the maximum events is greater than 90should be increased in the go.scp startup script.




show_mem [+v] (verbose option to show reseverved variables)


See Enter.


Output of show_mem below:

memory area allowed resvrd actual k-used/available sema

user real variables 2500 0 90 30 / 839 210 user integer variables 800 0 11 3 / 231 1 user logical variables 2000 0 178 80 / 906 2 user string variables 500 0 25 9 / 187 3 user statistical variables 128 2 2 / 175 1 computed expressions 1000 87 103 / 1187 0 limits 1000 0 0 / 2511 1 cal_tables 256 108 786 / 1865 alias variables 200 104 23 / 45 0 real array variables 10 1 4 / 48 0 integer array variables 10 0 0 / 48 0 logical array variables 10 0 0 / 50 0 string array variables 10 0 0 / 48 0 saved_data in /data/save_parameters 256 0

Total memory allocated for variables/tables = 8140[k-bytes]

Using 292 events of the 1000 allowed – 29

The maximum number of variables is set by command line arguments on the ‘sys_start’ command in the ‘go.scp’ file. Type ‘use sys_start’ to see the available options.

To change the maximum allowed, modify the sys_start command line in the /cell/go.scp file and do a new ‘go’ when the test system is in a safe condition (engine or test object not running).

NOTE: for reserved variables:

If a variable is created and then later deleted, the memory space for that variable is “reserved”. Then if the variable is later created again by the same owner, that same memory space is re-used. A variable label created and deleted by a particular owner cannot be recreated by another owner.



See Also:
