Renumber a Horizontal format FURBALL spec file.
vrbl_file_renum <filename> [new_file]
Specify the name of the vrbl_to_file [fur_ball] spec file that is to be sequentially renumbered. It must be in the HORIZONTAL format
Optional. Specify the name that will be given to the renumbered spec file. If not specified, the existing spec file is overwritten with the renumbered specs.
The ‘vrbl_file_renum’ command reads the input specification file and each index field within the file is renumbered. The new index values start at 1 and are incremented by 1 until all specifications have been processed. After all index fields have been renumbered, the specifications are written to a file.
When the only argument for the command is ‘filename’, then the renumbered specifications are written to the same file that was used for input. Since the renumbered specifications are written to the input file, the original specfications will be replaced with the renumbered specifications.
If a second argument is present, the renumbered specifications are written to a file using the second argument as the file name. The original specifications are not modified.