13: Cell Utilization

Command Purpose
allcells Generate a facility wide utilization report.
allcells3 Produce a report for all test cells. The report covers one day and it reports the time since the cell was last running, the 7-day running utilization, the 24 hour utilization, and the number of hours run on first shift and 2nd/3rd combined.
allcells5 Produce a weekly utilization report which is similar to the “allcells” program except that it accounts for engine changes within the interval. Each engine change will be treated as if it was a separate test cell. A change of PP# is treated as an engine change as well as an “occ_start” log.
allcells_fuel Generate a facility wide utilization report.
allmet Generate a facility wide utilization report.
allMTC Produce a report for all test cells.

Allocate a shared memory area for signal variables and set the SIG_MEM_SEM semaphore.

allwork Generate a facility wide utilization report.

Run a test cell information report.

getAstStatGen Establish virtual communication to a shared memory server on a remote node to fetch specified CyFlex variables.
gp_utl Display a table of test cell utilization data.
hrmeter Use this only on the utilization node (45 in CTC) to initialize the value of an hourmeter, typically for a non-CyFlex test cell.

Generate a facility wide utilization report for absorbing/motoring work


Perform utilization monitoring. Use only on the utilization node (45 at CTC).


Perform CyFlex test cell utilization monitoring. Launch from the /cell/go.scp script in each CyFlex test cell.

msu_clear_states Set multiple states inactive.
msu_set Set a state active or inactive and set the priority for that state if it is ON.
occ_start Manage a tracking program that reports changes in PPN (program project number) and engine changes. 

Subdivide the data in the /data/meters/meterlog.NNN files into separate files based on the year. It only needs to be run once per year and can be done so manually or can be cron’d.

PPNs Generate report of CVS activity codes.
select_group Select a valid engine platform group.
select_model Select a valid engine model.
select_type Select a valid test type.
select_vpi Select a valid VPI phase.
set_meter Set value of a Cell_meter variable. Requires superuser authority.
sevenday Generate a facility wide utilization report covering the past seven days.
seven_daymet Compute running 7-day utilization information.
seven_day_util Compute running 7-day utilization information.
start_cold_soak_period Set the MSU “Cold_Soak” state to ON and then go to sleep for a specified number of minutes, after which it will set the state OFF.
ytd_report Generate a facility wide utilization report covering the weeks from beginning of year.