

Instruct the CanDbc Driver to clear the list of messages it was sending.


candbc_clear [-c=n] [name=Register_name] [id=message]



Optional. Specify the channel list to clear. The AC2 Card supports two channels. The default is to clear both lists.

name Optional. Specify a register name if the assigned CanDbc register name is different from the default name. Use this option to ensure the correct ‘CanDbc’ task sends the message.
id Optional. Specify either the message name or the message ID from the .dbc file to discontinue sending. If this argument is being used, the -c option must also be used to specify the channel list from where to remove the message.


Stop sending all messages on the default channel as long as CanDbc was not started with the ‘name=’ argument.

candbc_clear  -c=1
Stop sending all messages on the second channel.

candbc_clear name=CanDbc2
Stop sending all messages on the default channel with a CanDbc task started with the register name “CanDbc2”.

candbc_clear name=CanDbc2 -c=0 id=23456789
Stop sending the message with ID 23456789 on channel 1 with a CanDbc task started with the register name “CanDbc2”.

candbc_clear name=CanDbc2 -c=1 id=can_message1
Stop sending the message with the name “can_message1” on channel 2 with a CanDbc task started with the register name “CanDbc2”.


Using the ID option and not providing the -c option clears all messages in the list as normal.

See Also:
