Queue manager for a spawned device
iQueueMgr <dev = name> [+i] [file=<filename>]
Required. Specify the name of the shared device being managed.
Optional. Specify this flag to indicate that shared memory should be zeroed when the process is started. If it is not zeroed, then any requests already made for the device will still be in the memory. The default is to NOT zero memory.
Optional. Specify the spec filename that contains the specifications to be read. The default is /specs/iQueue_specs.
iQueueMgr dev=mx1
The above spawns iQueueMgr that will manage the shared device ‘mx1’.iQueueMgr dev=mx1 +i
The above spawns iQueueMgr that will manage the shared device ‘mx1’. The shared memory area associated with iQueueMgr will be zeroed during initialization.iQueueMgr dev=mx1 file=/tmp/QueSpecs
The above spawns iQueueMgr that will manage the shared device ‘mx1’. The file /tmp/QueSpecs is read to obtain the specifications for iQueueMgr.