Process array specifications
arr_specs [array_specs_filename]
Specify the specification file name. The default is: /specs/arr_specs.NNN
The above command causes array variables to be configured as specified in the file /specs/arr_specs.NNN at test cell NNN
The arr_specs command causes the array variables to be configured as specified in the array specs specification file.
Use the errs command to check for errors after using this command.
————————– array initialization ————————————————-
The array variable may be initialized by adding initialization lines to the spec file. The format of an initialization line is as follows:
vrblName The name of the array variable. strtElem The starting element of the 1st dimension (optional).
The value may be either numeric or an enum string.endElem The ending element of the 1st dimension (optional).
The value may be either numeric or an enum string.valu The starting value to set the elements to. incr The incremental value to be added to the value for subsequent elements. If missing, ‘valu’ will be assigned to all elements. (Optional) … To repeat the ‘:[strtElem][,][endElem]’ for the next array element if desired. Given the following entry in a spec file:
conc REAL_ARRAY ppm 3 3 L1 L2 L3 4 c1 c2 c3 c4 2 conc:=-2 conc:L1,L2:c2,c3:1=1,2 $
The above provides the following array initialization: The entire array variable is set to -2 as a result of the 1st initialization line. The second initialization line results in
conc[0][1][1] = 1
conc[0][2][1] = 3
conc[1][1][1] = 5
conc[1][2][1] = 7