Find the roots for a general function f(X).
gen_solver <priority> <spec_file_name> [+c] &
Specify the priority at which to run this task (8-9). If running at anything other than SLO the priority should be set lower than the shell priority because the task MAY consume excessive CPU time.
Specify name of the specification file for this instance. If the filename does not begin with a ‘/’, then ‘/specs/’ will be prepended to the file name.
Optionally specify this argument to indicate that the task is critical and should cause the watchdog to trip if is not responding.
Specify this character to run the task in the background.
gen_solver 8 /specs/solver.1 &
gen_solver 9 solver.1 +c &
Both of these instances use the file /specs/solver.1 for specifications. The second instance is marked as critical and will cause the watchdog to trip if the program does not respond. This implies that the specifications contain a valid interval.