

Monitor CyFlex events.


events [t] [n]



Optional. Specify the maximum time, in milliseconds, to receive events.


Optional. Specify the maximum number of events to receive.


The above command with no command line arguments prompts to enter the names of the events to be monitored. The names are usually entered one per line by hitting the ‘Enter’ key after each entry.  Once all the event names have been entered, terminate the list by entering a period. The task will attempt to find each entry and issue a prompt if it cannot be found. The task will begin to monitor the events and will print information related to each event when it is received. Enter ‘ctrl-c’ to terminate the program.

events t=3000
The above command monitors the specified events for 3 seconds. Enter the event names as described above. The timer begins after all desired events have been entered. When the time has expired, a report is displayed that lists all the events that were received in the order they were received.

events n=15
The above command monitors the specified events until a total of 15 events are received. Enter the event names as described above. After all desired events have been entered, the program waits to receive events. When the specified number of events are received, a report is displayed that lists all the events that were received in the order that they were received.

If both optional arguments are entered, the ‘n=number’ option will have precedence and the ‘t=time’ argument will be ignored.


All events contain data – at a minimum, the event name, the event ID, the time the event was set and the name and PID of the task that set the event. If the event exists, at least that much information will be displayed when the event is received.

Some events always have the same name and that allows more of their content to be displayed.  These events include:

and events that end with:

For events that do not have a fixed name, it is possible to provide two entries per line of input. The first entry will be the event name and the second entry will be the event type.  This will allow additional information to be displayed. The currently recognized event types are:

abort_limit ALARM_EV

See Also: