


Execute a GUI program that steps through the process of loading and unloading filter pucks with corresponding filters and saving corresponding records in the weighroom database.  This program also allows the use of RFID pucks.


wtrm_barcode_qt <asc_cfg_basename_scanner> <site> [asc_cfg_basename_rfid] [-t]



Specify the filename in the /cell directory that contains the ASC configuration information (less the .cfg extension) for the scanner.


Specify the first three characters on a sample filter barcode.


Optional. Specify the filename in the /cell directory that contains the ASC configuration information (less the .cfg extension) for the RFID hardware.


Optional. Specify this flag to signify testing mode and set the string variable of programmed_id with the response of the getfiltid command to the RFID reader/writer.


wtrm_barcode_qt   barcode  CTC  rfid &

The above example starts the wtrm_barcode_qt GUI program using the /cell/barcode.cfg file to handle commands from the scanner.  The /cell/rfid.cfg file will handle commands from the RFID reader/writer for the puck id information.  The user is walked through steps to Load or Unload filters from pucks.  A record is added to the weighroom database table when the Load operation is conducted.  A record is deleted from the weighroom database table when the Unload operation is conducted.

wtrm_barcode_qt  barcode  CTC &

The above example starts the wtrm_barcode_qt GUI program using the /cell/barcode.cfg file to handle commands from the scanner.  The user is walked through steps to Load or Unload filters from pucks.  A record is added to the weighroom database table when the Load operation is conducted.  A record is deleted from the weighroom database table when the Unload operation is conducted.


See Also: