

Configure and start the Operator Display.


runqtui [configuration options] spec_file.ui &


spec_file.ui Specify a configuration file. The file must end with the “.ui” extension. 

runqtui configuration options are:

CyFlex Variables Locking Options

-lnone Specify this option to exclude use of the LockedVariable property. This is the default. 
-ladmin Specify this option to use Administrative mode. Locking is performed based on the widget’s property.
-lall Specify this option to ignore the LockedVariable property value and lock all widgets.
-lprop Specify this option to use the  LockedVariable property to determine whether a widget is locked.

Configuration Save Options

-ssave Specify this option to enable “save” or “save as” of the .ui file. This is the default.
-ssaveas Specify this option to only enable “save as” of the .ui file to a different filename.
-snone Specify this option to disallow changes to the user interface.
-nomenubar Specify this option to hide the menu bar and tool bar on the user interface.


runqtui   op_dsply.ui &

The above example will start the Operator Display program and display the contents from the /specs/op_dsply.ui file.

runqtui -lall -lnomenubar  op_dsply.ui &

The above example will start the Operator Display program and display the contents from the /specs/op_dsply.ui file.  All widgets on the Operator will be locked from changes getting made.  Also, the menu bar and tool bar will not be shown within the Operator Display.


See Also:

Operator Display User Guide