Display limit violations since last latch reset
limit_rpt [v=<variable_name>] [e=<violation_event_name>] [owner=<name>]
Optional. Specify the variable the limit_rpt task is checking.
Optional. Specify the event the limit_rpt task is checking.
Optional. Specify the registered name of a particular instance of limit app.
limit_rpt v=dew owner=CellLimits
The above command lists all the variables that contain the letters ‘dew’, are owned by the “CellLimits” instance of ‘limit’ and have limit violations since last latch reset.limit_rpt e=alm
The above command lists all the violation_event_names that contain the letters ‘alm’ that have limit violations since last latch reset.limit_rpt
The above command displays all the limit violations that have occurred since the last limit latch reset.
This command displays all of the limit violations that have occurred since the last limit latch reset.
Violations are listed in order of tripping.
The program writes violation information to a file (/data/errors/Reg_name.yymmdd) in time order to ease understanding of system behavior. There is an entry each time a limit is violated and also when the value becomes within limits.
Both variable_name and violation_event_name can be patterns. For example, if v=dew is specified all variables containing the letters ‘dew’ would be listed.