7: Control Systems
Command | Purpose |
abort_autotune | Use abort_autotune if the autotuning process seems to be taking too long. Note that the length of time to autotune is dependent on the period of oscillation of the system. |
autotune |
Initiate tuning of a specified PID loop using the Ziegler-Nichols method (closed loop version – with relay caused oscillations). Note that the length of time to autotune is dependent on the period of oscillation of the system. |
calc_gains | Compute control loop gains after auto-tuning. |
chirp | Generate swept-frequency cosine signal |
cmd_map_gen | Generate control command map |
comp_ctrl |
Perform units translation of variables and place the result into variables which will be used for engine control by the ‘ctrl_task’ and compute acceleration rate of engine speed (dndt). |
ctrl_cfg_dsply | Display the new_state, action, subcode, index, and label information about the control configuration event when an event occurs. |
ctrl_disp | Display controller values |
ctrl_params | Use this utility to set gains for control loops using parameters specified in a datafile. |
ctrl_spec_converter | Use this script to create a new spec file that will work with the eng_ctrl_task in 6.3.x versions of CyFlex. |
disp_dygains | Display dyno controller gains. |
dy | Put the dyno controller in open loop mode with a specified OPEN_LOOP target. |
dy_gains | Set dyno gains. |
dy_ramp | Set dyno ramp. |
eng_ctrl_specs | Specify the engine control task configuration |
eng_ctrl_task | This task provides PID control algorithms for engine throttle and dyno(s). It will normally be spawned by the eng_ctrl_specs task but can also be started manually. It does not become active until configuration is completed successfully. |
eng_specs | Process Engine Specifications |
filter_k | Set or change the value of the filter coefficient on a specified AI or FI channel. |
gen_load | Sets DO bits that control relays in a load bank. |
other | Set target for ‘other’ control loop. |
perf_labels | Engine performance specifications |
prbs | Generate pseudo random binary sequence |
prop | Perform torque control to simulate a propeller. |
pwm_ctrl | PWM control task for the dilution flow actuator. |
pwm_specs | Specify a specification file for use by the pwm_ctrl task. |
reset_dyno_int | Set dyno controller integral term to 0.0 |
reset_int_term | Zero out the integral term of a PID controller (i.e., to be able to start from the same zero initial conditions). |
reset_throt_int | Set throttle controller integral term to 0.0 |
set_dndt_k | Set filter coefficient for engine acceleration (dN/dt) measurement |
set_eng_mode | Set engine control mode |
set_eng_specs | Set updated engine specs values. |
set_eng_specs12 | Set updated engine specs values. |
set_lwr_bnd | Set controller lower bound |
set_upr_bnd | Set controller upper bound |
set_user | Set User Control Loop Target |
sp | Set Speed target |
th | Put the throttle controller in open loop mode with a specified OPEN_LOOP target. |
th_ff | Switch throttle feed forward ON/OFF |
th_gains | Set throttle gains |
th_ramp | Set Throttle Ramp |
to | Set Torque target |
torq_conv | Specify torque converter characteristics. |
torq_sched | Specify a torque schedule as a function of speed. |
update_user_specs | Update the user control specification file with new gains and/or new values that are presently in feedback variables. This executable is not intended for end-users. |
user_ctrl_specs | Specify user control task configuration. |
user_ctrl_task | Provide PID control algorithms for user control loops. Normally spawned by the user_ctrl_specs task. |
u_ctrl | Change specification settings for a user_control task. |
u_ff | Switch user loop feed forward ON/OFF |
u_gains | User Control Loop Gains |
u_mode | User Control Loop Mode |
u_ramp | User Control Loop Ramp |
u_target | User Control Loop Target |
u_toler | User Control Loop Tolerance |
v4_ctrl | Slave Froude V4 controller to CyFlex |