- Set controller upper bound
- set_upr_bnd <ctrler> <bound>
ctrler Specify the name of the controller performing the control. bound Specify the value of the control loop bound, the label of a real variable containing the bound, or an expression.
set_upr_bnd dyn_w_t80
set_upr_bnd dyn_w_t 80[none]
The above sets the upper bound of the dyn_w_t controller to 80%.set_upr_bnd dyn_w_t my_w_ub
The above sets the upper bound of the dyn_w_t controller to the value contained in the real variable, my_w_lb.set_upr_bnd dyn_w_t “my_w_ub – 30[none]”
The above sets the upper bound of the dyn_w_t controller to the value resulting from the evaluation of the expression, i.e., to the value contained in the real variable, my_w_ub, minus 30.
The controller name that should be used is specified in the control specs file under the keyword @USER_CTRL_LOOP. If the old ctrl_specs file format is being used, then the controller name is the name found on the line that contains the user control loop number