

Change specification settings for a user_control task.


u_ctrl <loop_name> [option=value] [option2=value2] …



Specify the name of the user controller as it was entered in the user control specification file


Specify any or all of the following options. Do not enter units.

md – set the mode to Open or Closed (only O or C are required)

mode – set the mode to Open or Closed (only O or C are required)

orr – set the open loop ramp rate (output units per second)

olrr – set the open loop ramp rate (output units per second)

crr – set the closed loop ramp rate (output units per second)

clrr – set the closed loop ramp rate (output units per second)

tol – set the closed loop tolerance (output units)

t – set the closed loop tolerance (output units)

tolerance – set the closed loop tolerance (output units)

pgain – set the proportional gain

pg – set the proportional gain

igain – set the integral gain

ig – set the integral gain

dgain – set the derivative gain

dg – set the derivative gain

ffgain – set the feedforward gain

ffg – set the feedforward gain

fg – set the feedforward gain

lob – set the lower output bound (output units)

lowob – set the lower output bound (output units)

lowerb – set the lower output bound (output units)

lowb – set the lower output bound (output units)

uob – set the upper output bound (output units)

upb – set the upper output bound (output units)

upperb – set the upper output bound (output units)

upob – set the upper output bound (output units)

clt – set the closed loop target (feedback units)

tar – set the closed loop target (feedback units)

target – set the closed loop target (feedback units)

olt – set the open loop target (feedback units)  

oltar – set the open loop target (feedback units)

oltarget – set the open loop target (feedback units)

rit – reset integral term

reset – reset integral term

SPECIAL NOTE: Many specification options can be entered as a value, value with units, label, or expression.  Only a simple value can be overwritten with this command.  A value with units is treated as an expression.


u_ctrl  my_loop  pg=3  ig=0.5  mode=C
The above resets the proportional and integral gains for controller – my_loop and changes the mode to closed loop


Many specification options can be entered as a value, value with units, label, or expression.
Only a simple value can be overwritten with this command.
A value with units is treated as an expression.

See Also:

CyFlex User Control Loops