

Calculate and report the average TRV values for specified cell numbers within a group for a specified time interval.


avr_trv_log [group_name=group_name] [start_date=MM/DD/YYY] [end_date=MM/DD/YYYY] [interval=[day/week/month]



Specify the /specs/trv file that contains test cell numbers to be reported on. The default is grp1.


Specify the start_date that the report data is to be reported from. If the interval option is not specified, the start_date option must be specified.


Specify the end_date the report data is to be reported to. The default is the current date/time.


Specify day, week, or month:

  • Specify day to report data from the previous day at 7:00am to the current day at 7:00am.
  • Specify week to report data from the previous day at 7:00am to the current day at 7:00am.
  • Specify month to report data from the start of the previous month to the start of the current month.


ave_trv_log group_name=grp1 start_date=11/10/2007 end_date=11/15/2007

The above example produces a summary report for the test cells specified within the /specs/trv/grp1 file. Data reported within the summary report would be from 11/01/2007 00:00 to 11/15/2007 00:00.

ave_trv_log group_name=grp2 interval=month

The above example produces a summary report for the test cells specified within the /specs/trv/grp2 file. If the report was ran on 11/15/2007, data reported within the summary report would be from 10/01/2007 00:00 to 11/01/2007 00:00.


The above example prompts the user to enter in the group_name, start_date and end_date. Data reported within the summary report would be from the specified start_date to the specified end_date for the test cells within the specified group_name file.



See Also: