

Start a fast data logging operation


floger [logr_spec_file] [csar_label=<label_type>] [options]



Optional. Specify the logger specification filename. The default is logr_spec.nnn (nnn => test cell number).

WARNING: The format of the spec file has significantly changed. It now requires KEYWORDS for various entries. See /cyflex/specs.def/logr_template


Optional. Specify the CSAR label type. Valid options are:

  • csar to use a variable CSAR label without an ECM prefix
  • prefix to use a variable CSAR label with an ECM prefix
  • external or ext to use the external CSAR name


Any option specified on the command line overrides the same option in the spec file. See descriptions below.


start strt_event
Specify the CyFlex event to start the sampling.
stop stop_event
Specify the CyFlex event to stop the sampling.
rels release_event
Specify the CyFlex event to cause floger to exit the system.
done done_event
Specify the CyFlex event to emit when done sampling.
interval Specify the time interval between data samples in time units. Do not specify this option if using the sync option.
n max scans
Specify the maximum number of data samples or scans to collect.
sync sync_event
Specify the CyFlex event to cause the start of sampling. This is used in place of the timer, therefore no interval should be specified.
enable variable_name
Specify the CyFlex variable that will enable sampling.
outfile outputFile
Specify the output filename to contain the data.
path directoryPath
Specify the directory to contain the output file.  The entry may also be a STRING_VARIABLE that contains the directory path of the output file. The default is /data/PC_format.
ftp_dir directory
Specify the FTP directory to place data file.

Specify the CyFlex event name  to signal to ftp the output file to the ftp_path. The default is “FTP_write”.

ftp_path path
Specify the pathname to pre-pend to the fpt_dir. The default is “/group/mech_dev/”.
ftp_acct account
Specify the account owner of the directory to where the data file is Ftp’d.
ftp_pswd password
Specify the account password.
ftp_gate node_number
Specify the node number where the FTP process takes place. If the test cell does not have TCP/IP running, this should probably be ftp_gate=1. The default is the local node.
ftp_host hostname
Specify the DNS hostname to where the data will be transferred via FTP. The default is “cidcssetdl”.
exist existanceCheck
Specify the variable name to create and use to indicate whether all of the variables exist.  It is set to true if all variables exist and false if not.
+o Specify this flag to overwrite the output data file. The default is to append to the file.  
+p Specify this flag to use packed format for output data. The default is to use unpacked format.
+h Specify this flag to suppress writing of variable label headings.
+H Specify this flag to write the headings when the ‘enable’ variable goes TRUE.
+A Specify this flag to suppress writing of variable label headings when appending to an output file
+W Specify this flag to write to the NFS mounted drive: //2/imports/world/.
+t Specify this flag to use fast sampling time stamp mode.  This forces the time stamp to be a relative time instead of an absolute time.



floger /specs/log1 n=1000 interval=1[sec] +o &
The above command causes the file /specs/log1 to be processed. The number of samples is set to 1000 and the samples are taken every second. The output file that is specified in the spec file will be overwritten. The number of samples and the interval specified in the spec will be overridden by the command line arguments.

FTP output example:

floger ftp_dir=NTC350 ftp_path=/group/oldengines/ &


The floger command starts a data logger and causes the data logger package to be configured with the specified logger specification file. Multiple loggers may be operating simultaneously.

When the values for all variables that are specified in the spec file are sampled, that is considered ‘one’ sample or one scan. The interval is the time between obtaining the values of all the specified variables. The ‘n=’ option refers to the number of times all specified variables are sampled.

If the option ‘hdr=file’ was specfied, then the contents of this file is prepended to the output file as an additional header.

The ‘start event’ and ‘stop event’ only apply when an interval is specified via the command line or the spec file.

If no ‘start event’, ‘sync event’, or ‘interval’ is specified then the sampling starts immediately.

If ‘maximum number of scans’ was not specified, then the sampling will continue until the stop or release events are received or the task is slayed.

Use the errs command to check for errors after using this command.

See Also:

errs, Fast Data Logger Application User Guide