Check whether a keyword is a valid PAM channel keyword or PAM parameter keyword.
keyword_test <channel_or_parameter_name>
channel_or_parameter_name Specify the name of PAM channel keyword or PAM parameter keyword.
keyword_test eng_spd
Returns <Keyword Test> eng_spd: valid PAM Channel KeywordThe above command returns a message to inform whether the channel name, eng_spd, is a valid PAM channel keyword.
keyword_test DyNo_TyPe
Returns: <Keyword Test> DyNo_TyPe: valid PAM Parameter KeywordThe above command returns with a message to inform whether the parameter name, DYNO_TYPE, is a valid PAM parameter keyword.
The keyword_test command checks whether the provided PAM keyword is found in shared memory. Searching for the keyword using the keyword_test command is not case-sensitive.
Channel and parameter keywords can be found in channel.dat and parameter.dat in the CyFlex root directory. E.G., /cyflex/channel.dat.
See Also: