

Set the DARTS Test ID


setDARTStestid <testid> [point] [id_extension] [path=/dir/path/]



Required. Specify a 1-25 character DARTS Test ID string. NOTE: If the first character of ‘testid’ is ’@’, then ‘testid’ is the label of a STRING_VARIABLE that contains the testid value to be used.


Optional. Specify an integer DARTS datapoint number for NEXT DARTS datapoint. Default = 1 for a new DARTS Test ID or the NEXT datapoint number for an existing DARTS Test ID. NOTE: The value of ‘point’ is for the NEXT DARTS datapoint that will be taken.


Optional. Specify the DARTS testid extension that is a suffix to the testid to make up the complete DARTS testid. If not entered, the current extension will not be changed. NOTE: If this argument is entered, also specify the ‘point’ argument. The ‘!’ character that is part of the complete DARTS testid should not be entered.


Optional. Specify the path to the hold directory that is checked for any datapoint files. If any datapoint files exist, then the point number retrieved from the central node will be the last ‘successful’ datapoint and not the last datapoint taken at the testcell. This is to ensure that the datapoint will not be overwritten from an entry in the hold directory that gets processed later. If this argument is used, it must be the last argument. The default path is /data/darts/DARTSdatapoint/hold/.


setDARTStestid myTestid
The above command sets the DARTS Test ID to ‘myTestid’ and sets the DARTS datapoint value so that the NEXT datapoint taken will have a value of 1.

setDARTStestid @my_id 100
The above command sets the DARTS Test ID to the value that is contained in the STRING_VARIABLE ‘my_id’. Assuming that variable had a value of ‘myTestid’ Then the DARTS Test ID is set to ’myTestid’ and the NEXT datapoint taken will have a value of 100.

setDARTStestid myTestid 1 qsk19
The above command sets the DARTS Test ID to ‘myTestid’ and the NEXT datapoint taken has a value of 1 and the testid extension will be set to ‘qsk19’.

setDARTStestid myTestid 1 qsk=19 path=/data/DARTS/DARTSdatapoint/hold/
The above command sets the DARTS Test ID to ‘myTestid’ and the NEXT datapoint taken has a value of 1 and the testid extension will be set to ‘qsk19’. It will compare any files in the /data/DARTS/DARTSdatapoint/hold/ directory to make sure no duplicate datapoint entries can be entered.


The setDARTStestid command lets the user change the DARTS Test ID that identifies subsent datapoints in the DARTS database. The optional point argument sets the NEXT DARTS Datapoint.

To create a new DARTS Test ID, do not use the point argument and the NEXT DARTS Datapoint will be 1.

To reuse an old DARTS TestID enter the TestID and the NEXT datapoint number will be determined from the existing data.

This command updates the DARTS Test ID in the DARTS Specs, updates the CyFlex Integer Variable for the DARTSDatapoint, notifies the datapoint task of a change, and writes a new DARTS header. If a TestID extension is not present in the /specs/ file, the default to use the site name from the /cell/site_special file.

See Also:
