

Calculate and report average TRVs for groups of test cells


trv_summ_rpt [group_name=group_name] [start_date=MM/DD/YYYY] [end_date=MM/DD/YYYY] [interval=day/week/month][email=email_address1,email_address2]



Optional. Specify the /specs/trv file that contains test cell numbers to be reported on. The default is grp1.


Optional. The start_date the report data is to be reported from. If the interval option is not specified, the start_date option must be specified


Optional. The end_date the report data is to be reported to The default is the current date/time


Optional. Specify day, week or month interval. If day is specified, the report will contain data from the previous day at 7:00am to the current day at 7:00am. If week is specified, the report will contain data from the previous Monday at 00:00 to Monday at 00:00 If month is specified, the report will contain data from the start of the previous month to the start of the current month


Optional. Specify the email address(es) destination(s) to send the summary report. If the report is to be sent to multiple email addresses, separate the addresses with commas. The default is no email specified


trv_summ_rpt group_name=grp1 start_date=11/10/2007 end_date=11/15/2007
The above example produces a summary report for the test cells specified within the /specs/trv/grp1 file. Data reported within the summary report is from 11/01/2007 00:00 to 11/15/2007 00:00.

trv_summ_rpt group_name=grp2 interval=month
The above example produces a summary report for the test cells specified within the /specs/trv/grp2 file. If the report was run on 11/15/2007, data reported within the summary report would be from 10/01/2007 00:00 to 11/01/2007 00:00.

The above example prompts to enter the group_name, start_date and end_date. Data reported within the summary report is from the specified start_date to the specified end_date for the test cells within the specified group_name file.

The above example prompts to enter the group_name, start_date and end_date. Data reported within the summary report is from the specified start_date to the specified end_date for the test cells within the specified group_name file. The report would be emailed to the account.


If none of the options are specified, respond to prompts to enter a group name and the start and end dates.

See Also: