16: Smart Instrument Interfaces

Command Purpose
AkComm Provide communications functions for instruments that use the German Auto Emissions Instruments interface protocol.
AkMon Run emissions gas analysis for a specified event.
AkMonCAI Run emissions gas analysis using the for a specified event for instruments that use the German Auto Emissions Instruments interface protocol.
AkSer Provide Ser communications functions for instruments that use the German Auto Emissions Instruments interface protocol.
AKs_tst Send a command to an AK device via the AK_sync handler.
AkTCP Provide TCP communications functions for instruments that use the German Auto Emissions Instruments interface protocol.
AkTCPCAI Provide TCP communications functions for instruments that use the German Auto Emissions Instruments interface protocol.
AkTCP_serv Perform the AK TCP Server Test Task. This task is a TCP/IP server task which receives data from the AK TCP task and provides a response. The data is also written to a log file.
AkTCP_servCAI Perform the AK TCP Server Test Task. This task is a TCP/IP server task which receives data from the AK TCP CAI task and provides a response.
AkTestIntCAI Perform the test interface functions for instruments that use the German Auto Emissions Instruments interface protocol.
AkTestIntFTIR Initialize the FTIR test interface task.
AkTestIntN Perform the test interface functions for instruments that use the German Auto Emissions Instruments interface protocol.
AkUDPCAI2 Handle the incoming UDP stream from a CAI analyzer.
ak_cmd Send a command to an AK instrument.
AK_coll Synchronous AK communications support.
AK_slave Provide a generic AK slave interface for CyFlex.
AK_sync Handler task for an AK device.
anemometer Start communication with the Applied Tech  Anemometer
ASC Manage communication between ASCII controllers and client tasks via system mounted devices and user defined parameters.

Allow a message to be sent to an intelligent device which is attached to CyFlex by an RS-232 serial port and is using the ASC communications utility.

asc_init Initialize ASC task communication.
auto_ctrl Control auto-ranging instrument.
auto_rng Manage range selection of devices that provide multiple ranges and perform conversion from sensed units to engineering units on channels from these instruments.
avl_fuel Fuel measurement collector task for AVL-733
burn_emis Calculate burned gas emission.
CanTran Provide CANBus communications between Can Transducers using the CANopen protocol.
dc_AKftir Handler task for an AK FTIR device.
dc_AKg Handler task for an AK (generic) device.
dc_AKgm Handler task for an AK Gas Mux device.
dc_GenStream Continuously retrieve data from a device that is sending data repeatedly without additional commands. The Data that is being streamed can then be accessed with the getStream command(s) that are defined in the spec file.
dc_GenSync Handler task for a dc_GenSync device driver.
dc_GOAL Handler task for a GOAL protocol device.
dc_MON2 Handler task for a MON2 protocol device.
devcom_coll Synchronous device communications support.
devcom_mon Add event/timer driven list of devcom commands.  The list can be started and stopped with specified events.
devcom_smsg_tst Send a command to a devcom device via device handler task.
dew_star Start communication with DewStar dewpoint meter.
druck_bar Monitor Druck RPT301 transducer.
ecg_header.10c Generate a file that contains information that ecg reads. The name of the file is a spawning argument to ecg.
ecg_header.12 Generate a file that contains information that ecg reads. The name of the file is a spawning argument to ecg.
egr_calc Calculate EGR.
emon Debug instances of ASC. Monitor ASC events and write event content to the screen.
emons Monitor ASC events and write event content to the screen.
fluke8846A Communicate with a Fluke8846A DVM.
GenEast_E4 Measure General Eastern Ambient Conditions.
getIndicom Retrieve a parameter from the Indicom system connected via connection server.
get_asc Communicate with an intelligent instrument which meets certain requirements.
get_los_id Get a lube oil soot cart ID.
get_soot Start communication with a soot cart.
gps Perform initialization and then loop forever, waiting on incoming events and send a command to the ASC handler every time the start_event is received (a 10 sec timer) to decode the variable value when the ASC handler replies.
HP_ps Communicate with a Hewlett Packard programmable power supply.
HP_set Set a voltage setpoint for a Hewlett Packard programmable power supply,
Int9840 Start communication with Interface 9840 Load Cell,
iQueueMgr Queue manager for a spawned device
medordata Perform data quality checks on odor files generated from the MEDOR_set program.
mensor_bar Communicate with a Mensor barometer or similar device. The device responds to a command to read a single value.
meriam Read data from a Lamanar Flow Element via a USB and put it into CyFlex variables.
mettler Mettler electronic scale
mfc_filt_count MFC filter counts
mototron Monitor a mototron device.
Msginifile_dump Read and parse a specified ini file.  This program is used for troubleshooting syntax errors within the ini file.
MsgMon Attach to several MSG Protocol events and display their data contents.

1. convert logical level commands from the MsgTestInt task to protocol specific messages for the MsgTCP task.

2. convert other configured events received to protocol specific messages for the MsgTCP task

3. convert protocol specific level messages from the MsgTCP task to logical level responses sent to the MsgTestInt task, update variable values and set events as configured


Execute MsgProtocol in verbose mode with output sent to standard output devices or to file.

MsgTcp Provide TCP communications functions for instruments that require asynchronous send/receive and support for framing.
MsgTCP_serv Perform this TCP/IP server task to receive data from the MSG TCP task and provide a response.
MsgTCP_serv_comm Perform this TCP/IP server task to receive data from the MSG TCP task and provide a response.
MsgTestInt Provide the test interface function for the generic message protocol task.
MsgUdpIn Receive streaming UDP communications using an extension of the AK protocol defined by California Analytics.
MsgUdpOut Send UDP messages to a remote device. The message text is provided by the incoming CyFlex event.
multi_asc Perform initialization and then loop forever, waiting on incoming events. 
multi_lb_ctrl Set digital outputs that control relays in a load bank.
new_dew_star Read the temperature output of the device as well as the dew point.
ongadata Use the ONGA Data Transfer server program to transfer Online Natural Gas Analyzer (ONGA) data files from a networked PC.
pamas Measure mixing tank dust particle concentration.
pierflow Monitor a Pierburg PLU126 flowmeter.
pier_coll Pierburg smoke meter support task for gp_test.
pnp Install/Connect Plug-n-Play Systems.
psi_bar Communicate with a barometer with a Mensor barometer through a serial port.
release_ak Release tasks for a specified AK instrument.
serFrdly Spawn a serial port interface between a test cell and a Queue Manager.
setIndicom Set a parameter in the Indicom system connected via connection server.
startContIndicom Start a continuous measurement on the Indicom system and retrieve the measurement results.
startIndicom Start the remote interface to the Indicom System for testing.
testIndicom Start a measurement on the Indicom system and retrieve the measurement results.
unico_coll Use this process support task for gp_test to handle the read and write commands for the UNICO driver.
unico_dynlink_stream Stream data to Unico Dynos via the dynlink interface driver.
unico_get Retrieve parameter values from Unico drive.
unico_modbus_srv Access data to/from Unico Dynos via modbus protocol over Ethernet.

Pause output of the data stream to the drive.

unico_set Update parameter values for Unico drive.
unico_shutdown Terminate all Unico server applications.
unico_spec Sends the spec event to all Unico tasks.
unico_start Resume output of data stream to the Unico drive.
vaisala Start communication with a Vaisala RH meter.
weather Retrieve a weather data file from a central server and display weather information from the data file retrieved.