A Process Exists for Monitoring the ExternalDataManager for MSU Data Loading

Have you noticed that the ExternalDataManager for MSU stops running from time to time?

The cyflex_check_msu_loading RPM has been created to help with this problem. The following is a description of the what the RPM file does:

Changes made for Jira issue CCS-1077 / CFBUG-2448:

  1. cyflex_check_msu_loading RPM created
  2. The cyflex_check_msu_loading RPM installs /etc/cron.hourly/check_msu_loading.sh file
    1. The /etc/cron.hourly/check_msu_loading.sh file
      1. Determines if the MSU Data Loading instance of the ExternalDataManager is running or not
        • If MSU Data Loading instance is running
          – nothing is done
        • If MSU Data Loading instance is not running
          • The value of the msu_pnp variable is retrieved
            • If the msu_pnp variable does not exist
              – nothing is done
            • If the value of msu_pnp = FALSE
              – nothing is done
            • If the value of msu_pnp = TRUE
              – The current date is captured
              – The ExternalDataManager instance for MSU Data Loading is started with output files using the captured current date


  1. The MSU Data Loading instance of the ExternalDataManager is usually started from the go.scp file within the start_msu_loading script
  2. The cyflex_check_msu_loading RPM has been included as a dependency within the cyflex-6.3-upgrade RPM
    • If the cyflex-6.3-upgrade RPM is already installed on a system, the following commands should be executed to update the RPM with the cyflex_check_msu_loading RPM
      sudo yum clean all
      sudo yum update cyflex-6.3-upgrade
    • The version of the cyflex-6.3-upgrade RPM that contains the cyflex_check_msu_loading RPM is 6.3.26 and above.
  3. The msu_pnp variable is created within the logi_specs file and the default value = TRUE. If restating of the ExternalDataManager should not be monitored, it is suggested to change the value of the msu_pnp variable to OFF within the go.scp file:
    svar msu_pnp OFF

  4. If running a cyflex.6.2.# version, the cyflex_check_msu_loading RPM should be installed manually from the command line.
    sudo yum install cyflex_check_msu_loading