Tag: Install

Change the Login on a Computer

To change the login on a computer from tc1 (old) to tc3 (new), the following steps should be taken: sudo   nedit   /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc Modify    AutoLoginUser=tc3 (to be the cell number) Modify    DefaultUser=tc3 To change on the computer: Click Start –>  Administration  –>Users and Groups  –  Enter the password when prompted Within the User Manager dialog:

CyFlex 6.2.14 Release – March 24, 2018

We would like to announce the release of CyFlex 6.2.14. Please refer to the attached release notes document to understand the nature of the changes in this release. The following links have additional information: Installation procedure:  CyFlex 6.2.x Installation Procedure Release notes summary: CyFlex_Release_Notes_6.2.14 Release notes details: * Jira Filter *If you are not a