The display resolution of any variable can be changed “on the fly”

The display resolution of any variable can be changed “on the fly” in CyFlex, using the “change_res” command?

The display resolution is the number of places to the right of the decimal point that are shown in utilities that print a formatted output. These include the operator display, “dumpit”, “fdump”, “gvar”, “datapoint”, and “floger”.

In many cases, the user can select the resolution in a specification file, but some variables have a default resolution that can only be overridden by the by the “change_res” command. Note that changing the resolution with the “change_res” command is a temporary change, so if you wish to make it permanent, the command should be inserted near the end of the “go.scp” script file.


change_res <label1> <label2> <label3> …. <resolution>


labelX = the label of a real, statistical, composition, or property variable

resolution = the new format resolution (number of places to the right of decimal)


change_res exh_prt1_t exh_prt2_t exh_prt3_t my_var your_vr 2

The above command sets the format to 2 places for each of the listed variables