

Monitor the integrity of processes running in CyFlex.


scheduler prio=FAStime MEDtime SLOtime [othertime1][othertime2][WARPtime]


scheduler PRI=xx FAS=xx MED=xx SLO=xx [USR1=xx] [USR2=xx] [WARP=xx] [WATCHDOG=xx]




Specify the execution priority of the scheduler task. The priority must be less than 20.



Specify the time, in milliseconds, that will be assigned to all operations that request a FASt interval.



Specify the time, in milliseconds, that will be assigned to all operations that request a MEDium interval.



The time, in milliseconds, that will be assigned to all operations that request a SLOw interval.



Optional. Specify an additional interval, in milliseconds, that may be used by processes that do not want to use FAS, MED or SLO intervals.



Optional. Specify an additional interval, in milliseconds, that may be used by processes that do not want to use FAS, MED or SLO intervals.



Optional. Specify an additional interval, in milliseconds, that may be used by processes that do not want to use FAS, MED or SLO intervals. This normally used for high speed continuous operation.



The default is xx=YES for systems with a watchdog circuit managed by a digital output.

Specify xx=NO for systems without a watchdog circuit.


scheduler 18 10 20 1000 &
The above spawns the scheduler at an execution priority of 18. The FASt, MEDium, and SLOw processing intervals are 10, 20, and 1000 milliseconds respectively.

scheduler 18 FAS=10 20 SLO=1000 &
The above spawns the scheduler at an execution priority of 18. The FASt, MEDium, and SLOw processing intervals are 10, 20, and 1000 milliseconds respectively.

scheduler 18 25 20 SLO=1000 FAS=10 WARP=2 &
The above spawns the scheduler at an execution priority of 18. The FASt, MEDium, and SLOw processing intervals are 10, 20, and 1000 milliseconds respectively. An additional interval of 2 milliseconds is assigned to the WARP value. NOTE: The value of 25 for the FASt interval when specified as a value will be overridden by the FAS=10 value. This is true for all entries, i.e.. any specified value will be overridden by the option value (OPT=xx).


Argument values may be mixed with option values, with the option values taking precedence.

See Also:

Master Scheduler