Add a CyFlex event to be monitored by the ‘cyflex_wd’ task.
add_wd_ev <event_name> <event_type> <num_events> <num_sec>
event_name |
Specify the event name to add to the list being monitored by the ‘cyflex_wd’ task |
event_type |
Specify ‘PERIODIC’ or ‘ERROR’:
num_events |
Specify the number of ‘ERROR’ events received or the number of ‘PERIODIC’ events missed during the interval specified for num_sec. |
num_sec | Specify the number of seconds to monitor the event. |
add_wd_ev EbloxNAN ERROR 10 60
The above adds ‘EbloxNAN’ to the monitor list by the ‘cyflex_wd’ task. Because ERROR is selected, ‘cyflex_wd’ will wait for ‘EbloxNAN’ and if 10 of those events are set within a 60, then the CyFlex watch_dog will be killedadd_wd_ev do_signal PERIODIC 2 10
The above adds ‘do_signal’ to the monitor list by the ‘cyflex_wd’ task. Because PERIODIC is selected, ‘cyflex_wd’ listens to all ‘do_signal’ events, and if less than 2 events are received within 10 seconds, then the cyflex watch_dog will be killed
The watchdog task “cyflex_wd” task must be running.
This command would normally run towards the end of the go script that starts CyFlex.
If the event has already been added, there will be no error, but the counts associated with this event will reset within the ‘cyflex_wd’ watchdog monitor task