Calculate burned gas emission
burn_emis <priority> <filename> [+c] &
Specify the task priority that the operating system should assign to this task.
Specify the path of the specifications file for the burned gas emission calculations.
Optional. Specify this flag to register this task as a critical task with the master scheduler. A SLO rate is assumed as the interface period to the master scheduler.
burn_emis 13 /specs/emis_specs.115 +c &
The above would spawn the task burn_emis with a priority of 13 and the file /specs/emis_specs.115 contains the specifications for the burned gas/emission calculations. The task will be registered as critical with the master scheduler.
This task is normally started in the go script as part of the
CYFLEX startup process.
For more information see Cummins intranet url:
The following is an example specification file for burn_emis.
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# emis_specs_rt.nnn
# or
# emis_specs_fr.nnn
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# This is a specification file for the “burn_emis” task. For details
# on using burn_emis, type “use burn_emis” on the command line.
# Several different instances of the “burn_emis” task can be running at
# the same time. Often one will be setup to perform burned gas
# composition and emissions calculations in real time to provide
# feedback and another instance will be synchronized with a fuel
# reading.
# Throughout this file, we will use the default fuel reading labels but
# will include the labels associated with real time measuements as a
# commented line. The actual name of this file should be altered as
# shown in the header to reflected the contents.
# The @REG_NAME keyword is used to distinguish between instances. We
# strongly recommend using “burn_emis_rt” as the registered name to
# designate the real time instance and “burn_emis_fr” to indicate the
# instance associated with a fuel reading.
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# burn_emis_rt
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# The @COMPUTE_EVENT keyword is used to specify the event or timer
# interval that will be used to trigger the calculation and the event
# that will be emitted when the calculation is complete. The
# calculation done event can be used to ‘‘cascade’’ a series of
# calculations, most notably those associated with egr.
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# start event name or done event name
# continuous intrvl name
fr_done FR_emisCalcDone
# SLO burn_emis_done_rt
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# The @BURNED_STREAM keyword is used to specify two outputs and one
# input. The burn_emis task will load the calculated composition into
# the composition variable specified by the first entry. The
# calculated burned gas mass flow rate will be loaded into the variable
# specified by the second entry. The third entry, the temperature of
# the burned gas stream, will be used as an input only in the case of
# rich combustion and can be safely set to a measured temperature such
# as tur_ot_t or exh_stk_t if you are burning lean as all good diesels
# do. The proper temperature to use for rich combustion is a topic
# that should be discussed and throughly understood before being used
# blindly.
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# composition label mass flow label burned gas temperature
FR_BurndGasC. FR_burned_gasMF tur_ot_t
# burn_gas_rtC. burn_gas_mf_rt tur_ot_t
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# The @INPUT_STREAMS keyword is used to provide a list of the
# composition variables and mass flow rates that define the various
# input streams. Because the number of input streams is not limited,
# this list is ended with a “$” as the final entry.
# Typically, there are two streams specified; fuel and combustion air.
# For test cells equipped with a balance type fuel scales, fuel rate
# measurements are only available after the completion of a fuel
# reading. Real$-$time burned gas composition calculations must be based
# either on and estimated fuel rate, usually defined as a funtion of an
# ECM commanded fueling, or based on a measured exhaust gas
# concentration of either oxygen or carbon dioxide.
# If a measured exhaust gas concentration is used, the mass flow rate
# of the fuel becomes an output and is specified as such by preceding
# the label name with a “>”. An example is provided below as a
# commented line. The measured exhaust gas concentration that is to be
# used for this calculation should be specified by preceding the label
# with a “<” under the @MEASURED_CONCENTRATIONS keyword as described
# below.
# This feature is not limited to the fuel stream. It can be used on
# one and only one of the input streams in the list.
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# composition mass flow
# variable label variable label
ngC. FR_Fuel_rate
inlet_airC. FR_air_mf
# diesel_certC. >fuel_rate_co2
# diesel_certC. fuel_rate_calc
# inlet_airC. air_mtr0_mf
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# The @MEASURED_CONCENTRATIONS keyword is used to specify the labels
# for names of the variables that contain the measured or calculated
# exhaust gas concentrations of CO2, CO, NOx, O2, HC and H2O. The
# identity of the component is specified using the letter identifiers
# CW_AMMONIA, CW_METHANE, CD_METHANE for various wet or dry
# concentrations. Because the number of measured concentrations is not
# fixed, this list is ended with a “$” as the final entry.
# Preceding a label with a “<” indicates that the measured
# concentration is to be used to back$-$calculate the flow rate
# indicated with a “>” under the @INPUT_STREAMS keyword above. Only
# one label at a time may be used and it must be either CO2, O2 or H2O.
# The H2O concentration is not often measured, but is included here
# primarily as an input to be used as a way to calculate the fuel/air
# ratio that would produce a give water vapor concentration in the
# exhaust, usually one that would be sufficiently high to cause
# condensation in an egr cooler at a given temperature.
# This is an optional keyword and is not needed if the desired
# calculations do not include the emissions calculations. In addition,
# if a particular concentration is not being measured that entry may
# be omitted.
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# selected component concentration label
CD_CO2 CO2_Conc_pct.AV
CD_CO CO_Conc_ppm.AV
CW_NOX NOx_Conc_ppm.AV
CD_O2 O2_Conc_%.AV
CW_HC HC_Conc_ppm.AV
# CW_H2O exh_cd_h2o_mea.AV
# CW_H2O <exh_cd_h2o_mea
# CD_CO2 <exh_cd_co2_mea
# new keywords for selected component will be
# CW_CO2 $-$$-$
# CW_CO $-$$-$
# CW_O2 $-$$-$
# CW_AMMONIA $-$$-$
# CW_METHANE $-$$-$
# CD_METHANE $-$$-$
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# The @POWER keyword is used to specify the variable for the brake
# horsepower reading needed to calculate brake specific emissions
# based on measured exhaust gas concentrations.
# This is an optional keyword and is not needed if the desired
# calculations do not include the emissions calculations.
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@POWER
# horsepower label
# Dyno_power
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# The @EMISSION_RESULTS keyword is used to specify the emissions
# variable name that will be used to output the results of any
# emissions calculations.
# This is an optional keyword and is not needed if the desired
# calculations do not include the emissions calculations.
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# emission variable label
# exh_frE.
See Also:
CyFlex Manuals Category 22 Miscellaneous Technical Reference – sub-category Burned Gas/Emissions, Master Scheduler