

Compute Volumetric Efficiency.


volef <priority> <interval> <filename> [+c]



Specify the system task priority.


Specify the task process interval. Specify FAS, MED, or SLO. The interval value can be in milliseconds or be one of the interval strings such as FAS, MED, or SLO. The values of “FAS”, “MED”, and “SLO” are defined by the spawning arguments of the “scheduler” task.  Enter ‘sin -Pscheduler ar’ to see the actual millisecond values.


Specify the fully qualified specification file path and name.


Optional. Specify this flag to identify this task as critical to the watchdog.


volef 8 SLO specs/volef_specs.315 +c &
The above command spawns ‘volef’ in the background at a priority of 8. The computations are performed once every second using the specifications given in the file /asset/specs/volef_specs.315. The task is also assigned to be a critical task. As a result, if the task ever stops responding to the watchdog, any test that is running will be aborted.

The volef task will register it’s name with the filename (not the full pathame), in this case “volef_specs.315”.  This name can be used by the ‘re-read’ command to request that it update the specifications by reading the specification file again.  This feature allows the specifications to be changed “on-the-fly” without slaying and restarting the app. 


This task is normally started in the go script that starts CyFlex.  The “volef” app assumes a 4-cycle engine with the number of cylinders defined by the “n_cyl” variable which is initialized in the /specs/engine_specs.NNN file.

See Also:

         The “volef2” application can be used to compute volumetric efficiency for 2-cycle engines.

Computing Volumetric Efficiency, also see /cyflex/specs.def/volef.def for example spec