

Display specified array variables. Output for a specified array can be formatted to display values only. Units can be added to values and value delimiter can be changed.


garr [-q -u -d [delim]] [arr_vrbl]:[enum_str]:[enum_str2] …


garr [arr_vrbl]?[int_var]?[int_var2] …



The : symbol designates that the following index is either a constant integer or an enum defined in the array_specs file.


The ? symbol designates that the following string is the label of an integer variable whose value will be used as an index.

-q -u -d [delim]

Optional. Specify the following to designate output format:

  • -q (quiet) to only print values.
  • -u (units) to display units in quiet mode.
  • -d delimiter to separate the values in quiet mode.
    delimiter options:
    c is ‘,’
    t is tab
    s is space
    n (default) is newline


Optional. Specify the the array variable name.


Optional. Enter a string to provide output of all values associated with that specified string.


Optional. Enter a string to provide output of all values associated with that specified string.


Optional. Specify the label of an integer variable whose value will be used as an index.


Optional. Specify the label of an integer variable whose value will be used as an index.


If an enum string is entered as a dash, then any element associated with that enum will NOT BE DISPLAYED. For example, if the spec file contained the following:

my_arr_var STRING_ARRAY – –

Then the command ‘garr my_arr_var’ displays only elements my_arr_var[ TEMP_IN ] and my_arr_var[ TEMP_OUT ]


The above command displays all the array variables. It displays only the labels of their associated maximum range for each dimension. No values will be displayed.

garr my_vrbl
The above displays all the values for array variable <my_vrbl>

garr my_vrbl:TC15
The above displays all the values for array variable <my_vrbl> that are associated with enum <TC15>.

garr my_vrbl:TC15:STATUS
The above displays all the values for array variable `my_vrbl` that are associated with enums <TC15> and <STATUS>.

garr my_vrbl?indx1?indx2
The above displays all the values for array variable <my_vrbl> that are associated with the values in integer variables <indx1> and <indx2>



See Also:

CyFlex Variables, Units, and Computed Expressions, Array Variables