Command |
Purpose |
alternator_torq |
Calculate engine net torque based on measured alternator power, measured engine speed and calculated alternator loss as a function of alternator measured power. Alternator loss is calculated based on loss coefficients determined through a dynamo-meter testing process for production alternators. Engine net torque, power and alternator loss will be output at the interval specified as a command line argument when the task is started. |
blk_num_mgr.10c |
This application is not intended for users to execute on the command line interface. It reads the file that contains the previous value for a block number. |
blk_num_mgr.12 |
Perform the Analog Input Transfer Task. |
bp |
Capture CVS test cell errors when a problem occurs. |
ci_logr_spec.b09 |
Perform the ci_logr_spec task. |
ci2fur |
Generate the /esvd_data/[TPID]/test_map file from data within the specified customer interface spec file. |
CVS_O2_data |
Read an input file that was generated on the Modcomp computer and read the oxygen concentration and the time that the concentration was last updated. |
esvd_pre_star5.12 |
Write information to the floger data file that will contain the test cycle data. The information is data that is needed by the programs that process the logged data at the conclusion of the test. |
esvd_pre_star5.b09 |
Write information to the floger data file that will contain the test cycle data. The information is data that is needed by the programs that process the logged data at the conclusion of the test. |
esvd_star5.12 |
Create the star5 section of raw_data_file (star file) for esvd programs. |
esvd_star5.b09 |
Create the star5 section of raw_data_file (star file) for esvd programs. |
filterdata.10c |
Gather data from spec files and creates a keyword file |
filterdata.12 |
Gather data from spec files and creates a keyword file. |
filterdata12.raw |
Gather data from spec files and create a keyword file. |
filterdata.raw |
Gather data from spec files and create a keyword file |
get_cvs_version |
Determine the version level of the cvs_specs file . |
get_site_cfg12 |
Get the @SITE_CONFIG entry in the cvs_specs file |
mk_config_files12 |
Create the cell_map and test_map files from data within the tri_specs.dat file. |
mk_ecm_files |
Create the asam3_specs file and ecm_override files. |
mk_ecm_files12 |
Create the asam3_specs file and ecm_override files. |
mk_map_files |
Create the cell_map and test_map files from data within the cvs_specs file. |
release_burn_emis |
Release burn_emis task instance resources and exit the system. |
run_num_mgr.10c |
Execute the run number manager. |
run_num_mgr.12 |
Execute the run number manager. |
star1.12 |
The star1 task creates the star1 file. |
star1.b09 |
The star1 task creates the star1 file. |
star2_7.12 |
Create the star2 and star7 files. |
star2_7.b09 |
Create the star2 and star7 files. |
star_pream.12 |
Create the star preamble file for the esvd programs. |
star_pream.b09 |
Create the star preamble file for the esvd programs. |
tca.10c |
Perform Torque Curve Analysis for file format 10. |
tca.12 |
Perform Torque Curve Analysis for file format 12. |
tca_header.10c |
Create the loger specification file for file format 10 and write it to disk. |
tca_logr.12 |
Create the loger specification file and write it to disk. |
tpa_extract_data |
Perform Three Pressure Analysis (TPA) Extract Data task. |
tpa_ss_data |
Perform initialization required by the TPA task. |
write_ecm_overrides12 |
Create the ECM override file within the /esvd_data/tpid directory. |
write_ecm_specs12 |
Create the asam3_specs files. |