

Specify control task configuration


ctrl_specs [control_spec_file]



Optional. Specify the control specification filename to configure the controls task.  Default: ctrl_specs.NNN



The above command causes the controls task to be configured with the default ctrl_specs file. Assuming that the command is executed at test cell NNN, the default file /specs/ctrl_specs.NNN is used to configure the control task. Initially, all existing control loops are deactivated. Then all the control loops specified are processed.

After the default ctrl_specs file is processed, two additional files are accessed to determine if there are any additional user loops to be processed. The additional control loops must be specified using the keyword format. (See Notes below)

The first file accessed is /specs/pnp/user_loops_pnp. The format of this file follows the format of the ‘pnp’ files.  Each line in the file consists of 2 fields. The first field is the name of a LOGICAL_VARIABLE and the second field is the name of a user loop specification file. For example:

         #Logical Variable       spec file path  
            smoc_pnp                 /specs/pnp/ctrl_specs.smoc

If the specified LOGICAL_VARIABLE in the first field, .eg smoc_pnp, has a value of TRUE, then the file specified in the second field, .e.g. ctrl_specs.smoc, will be processed.

The second file processed is /specs/user_loop_files. This file has the same ‘pnp’ format as described above. However, when this file is processed, there is one exception that is only associated with this file. If the value specified for the first field is the literal string TRUE, then the specified user loop file will always be processed. For example:

         #Logical Variable       spec file path  
            TRUE                         /specs/ctrl_specs.vent

For the above, the file ctrl_specs.vent will always be processed when the command ctrl_specs is entered.

ctrl_specs /specs/my_ctrl_specs

The above command processes the file /specs/my_ctrl_specs. If the first non-comment line in the file starts with the character ‘@’, then it is assumed to be user loop specifications using the KEYWORD format. The currently existing control loops are not affected.

If the first character of the first non-comment line is not the character ‘@’, then the same actions described for Example 1 above are performed.

ctrl_specs user

The above command is a special case. If the argument to ctrl_specs is user, then all control loops are deactivated and the user loops that are specified in the files /specs/user_loop_files and /specs/pnp/user_loop_pnp are processed. They are processed in the same manner as described above in example 1.


1. To view the documentation on specifying user loops via KEYWORDS enter the command:

use ctrl_specs_new

2. Depending on what is specified, if anything, for the ‘control_spec_file’ argument, different actions are taken.  See the examples above for the different actions.

The ctrl_specs command configures the controls task with the control specifications provided in the file.

Use the errs command to check for errors after using this command.

See Also:

Engine Controlserrs