

Specify torque converter characteristics.


torq_conv [on=<on_event>] [off=<off_event>] [k=<torque_conv_coef>] [c=<torque_conv_offset>] [pi=<index>] [kv=<kv_variable>] [cv=<cv_variable>]



Optional. Specify the name of an event to activate torque converter model. Default name = on_tq.


Optional. Specify the name of an event to deactivate torque converter model. Default name = off_tq.


Optional. Specify an index indicating which one of FAS, MED, SLO processing intervals should be used for torque scheduling. FAS=0, MED=1, SLO=2. Default index = 0.


Optional. Specify the viscous damping term to use in the torque converter model, in torque feedback variable units per speed feedback variable units squared. Default: 0


Optional. Specify the offset load to apply in torque converter mode, in torque feedback variable units. Default: 0


Optional. Specify the name of a CyFlex variable that will be used to specify the offset load to apply in the model.  Default: None.


Optional. Specify the name of a CyFlex variable that will be used to specify the viscous damping in the model. Default: None.


torq_conv k=0.00025 cv=tqc_offset&
The above command establishes a torque converter model with a 0.00025 lb-ft per RPM2 load and the value contained in the CyFlex variable ‘tqc_offset’ will be used for the load offset.


The torq_conv command establishes the characteristics of a control mode which applies a load to model a torque converter. The load applied is c + k * N * N, where N is engine speed. The torque converter mode is activated when the On event is received, at which point the torque control loop’s reference value is continuously updated as a function of speed and the specified torque converter characteristics. The torque converter mode is deactivated when the Off event is received. The torque reference remains at the last value.

Torque converter modeling is often used in torque converter stall tests, in which the time to stall of a snap throttle is measured. To run this, the controls specified should establish the dynamometer as controlling torque, and the throttle will be in open loop mode. General Usage Logical Variables may be used to control the On and Off events from the keyboard or from gp_test.

If an CyFlex variable is specified via the ‘cv’ or ‘kv’ option then the CyFlex variable overrides values specified via the ‘c’ or ‘k’ options.

See Also:
