

Process specifications that will be used by the var_transfer program.


varx_specs [filename]



Specify the pathname of a specification file.  The default filename is /specs/varx_specs.NNN where NNN is the test cell name


The above processes the default specification file and send messages to all the var_transfer applications that are running. Depending on the contents of the file, one of the instances will process the specifications.

Spec file format:

 ############ example spec file  ############
 # registered name of the instance of var_transfer which will  
 # process these specifications  
 # the @REG_NAME specifications is optional – default name is “VarTransfer”  
#input_label  output_label   bias      gain     filter  
   my_label    my_out_label   0        1.0      0.0  
# All variables specified above the first @SYNC_EVENT keyword  
# will be processed at the process interval specified on the  
# command line of the var_transfer task – those below @SYNC_EVENT  
# will be processed only when the sync event is received  
#Note: the specified sync events must exist before this spec  
#          file is processed  
#input_label  output_label   bias      gain     filter  
   my_ins1    my_outs1   0        1.0      0.0  
# Variables specified after this keyword will be  
# processed whenever the “my_sync_ev2” event is received  
#input_label  output_label   bias      gain     filter  
   my_ins2    my_outs2   0        1.0      0.0  


The var_transfer program provides the opportunity to move one CyFlex variable to another while applying an offset, gain, and recursive filter and the varx_specs program configures each instance of var_transfer that is running.  Specifications for control output variables are handled within the control specification programs and do not need to be in the varx_specs files.

See Also:

var_transfer, user_ctrl_specs, eng_ctrl_specs files