

Set Speed target


sp <target> [ramp_rate]



Specify the target value for the speed controller. 
Note: This may be the Throttle controller or the Dyno controller depending on which controller is controlling speed.

If the target is entered without units, then it is assumed to have the units of the speed target variable. Otherwise, a units conversion will be performed.


Optional. Specify the rate the speed target should be changed from its current value to the new target value.

If the ramp_rate is entered without units, then it is assumed to have the units of the speed target variable. Otherwise, a units conversion will be performed.


sp 1500
The above command sets the speed target for the controller to 1500.

sp 200[rad/sec] 10[rad/sec]
The above command sets the speed target for the controller to 200[rad/sec]. The target will be ramped from its current value to the new target value at the rate of 10[rad/sec]/sec.


This command resets the “unattended_test” flag to indicate that the cell is being run manually.

See Also:

to, th, th_ramp, dy,dy_ramp, CyFlex Engine Controls