

User Control Loop Mode


u_mode <mode> <ctrler>



The desired control loop mode. Specify one of the following modes:

  • Open to place the control loop in the Open loop mode.
  • Closed to place the control loop in the Closed loop mode.


Specify the name of the controller to place in control mode = mode.


u_mode Open fuel_in_t
The above command places the controller fuel_in_t in the Open loop mode.

u_mode Confused in_man_t
The above command places the controller in_man_t in the Closed loop mode. This is valid since the only character examined is the ‘C’ in the argument ‘Confused’.


Only the 1st character of the ‘mode’ argument is examined to determine the mode.

Use the controller name that is specified in the control specs file under the keyword @USER_CTRL_LOOP. If the old ctrl_specs file format is being used, then the controller name is the name found on the line that contains the user control loop number.

See Also:

u_ramp, u_target, u_gains, CyFlex User Control Loops