Author: Jennifer Schuck

LINUX OS used for CyFlex

CyFlex runs on a customized version of LINUX which includes built-in drivers and other unique services. TRP Laboratories supplies this customized LINUX version on an “Install Disk”. Currently, that “Install Disk” has a customized versions of Scientific Linux called “SL6”. CyFlex will not run on a standard installation of any LINUX version. Do not attempt

Test table

The “vrbl_to_file” application is a frequently used support application that is invoked from “gp_test” procedures to set a sequence of operating conditions for the engine or test object. The data files which are read by “vrbl_to_file” have been referred to as “furball” files (a corrupt pronunciation of “vrbl_to_file”). We prefer the name “test_table” files, and

History for string variable changes

In CyFlex versions 6.0.5 and newer, the “history flag” (ON/OFF) that appears in many specification files is no longer used. Instead, the “delta_hst” application assumes that almost all variables are active (history flag = ON ). This is the case for REAL, INTEGER, and LOGICAL variables, but not for STRING variables. STRING variables are saved

FR_Fuel_rate, FR_time, FR_wt

In the early days of ASSET, most of the fuel measurement systems were ‘scales’ that measured the time (FR_time) it took to consume a fixed weight (FR_wt). The “scales” application would compute the fuel mass flow rate (FR_Fuel_rate) from these two values. The user had the option of sending the fuel rate to PAM or

1000 Variables that can be averaged during PAM acquisition datapoint

In versions of cyflex earlier than 6.0.5, there were only 512 variables that could be averaged during the acquisition of a PAM datapoint. These are the variables in a pam_specs.NNN file which contain the key “AVER”. If you are running 6.0.4 or 3.5.6, or Oct.09 or similar versions earlier that 6.0.5, you can determine how

Host Key out of Date

Have you ever tried to ssh to a test cell and received an error that the host key was out of date? Execute the following statement to automatically remove key reference lines of the specified hostname/ip address from the known_hosts file: ssh-keygen -R [ hostname/ip_address ]

User Created Computed Expressions

CyFlex allows the user to create computed expressions in many applications such a “compvar/gen_labels”, gp_test, limit, evnt_rsp, etc. User expressions are normally simple math calculations, but may contain some special functions which can be included in these expressions. Functions may be called in expressions using an “at” sign (@) followed by the name of the

CyFlex Math and the temperature “GOTCHA”

Units Independence in CyFlex computations: CyFlex supports “units-independence”. Internally, applications such as “compvar”, mass flow rate, etc. perform computations using SI (metric) base units. Inputs and outputs to these programs involve a units conversion process so that the inputs and outputs can be in other units. A simple example of this is the computation of

New Installation Instructions

The installation instructions for a FRESH install of cyflex.6.1.# have been modified. Attached you will find a document with the updated instructions for installing a 6.1 version of cyflex. The document has been modified to reflect the correct command for installing the cyflex-6.1-orig-upgrade RPM. Old command: $ sudo yum install cyflex-6.1-upgrade New command: $ sudo