Author: Jennifer Schuck

CyFlex 6.2.16 Release – 07/11/2019

SGS would like to announce the release of CyFlex 6.2.16. Please refer to the below link for the release notes document to understand the nature of the changes in this release. CyFlex_Release_Notes_6.2.16 The following links have additional information: Installation procedure:  CyFlex 6.2.x Installation Procedure Release notes details: * Jira Filter *If you are not a Jira

Critical bug found within limit task

A critical bug in the “limit” task has been uncovered by CTC in the cyflex.6.2.17 and cyflex.6.2.16 versions. This bug may be encountered as it is a somewhat time sensitive issue and the “time-window” is related to the number of limit specifications. This bug causes the abort_limit and emergency events to occur when the limit_specs

Critical bug found in gp_test within cyflex.6.2.16 and cyflex.6.2.17

A critical bug in “gp_test” has been uncovered by staff at CTCC.  This bug has existed for many years since the introduction of the “immediate” mode timeout which is specified by a negative timeout value such as “-1[sec]”.  The negative timeout means that the test mode has no countdown clock and the mode actions will

Catalyst Aging Services

To support your  catalyst testing program, you need state-of-the-art technology, precise testing and data, and fast results. SGS’s catalyst aging services utilizes our patented C-FOCAS® and natural gas burner technology to help significantly reduce aging costs and over-temperature conditions for OEMs and suppliers. We also provide burner manufacturing, engineering services, and support for your aging

TRP Battery Testing Services – Worldwide

Life cycle testing Verify how long a battery lasts and demonstrate the quality of the product to customers. These tests include cycle life testing, environmental cycle testing and calendar life testing. Abuse testing Simulate extreme environmental conditions and scenarios exceeding the operation conditions. Performance testing Demonstrate the efficiency of batteries. Our experts can customize testing

Use of msu_set

Recently, we have encountered some issues with MSU data and displays related to whether the engine or ‘test object’ is actually running.  A cell may show up on the monitor as running when the engine is not, or vice versa. Some of these issues have been tracked down to an incorrect application of the “msu_set”

SGS In Use Verification program

SGS IN-USE VERIFICATION PROGRAM SGS IS YOUR GLOBAL EXPERT IN TURNKEY VEHICLE PROCUREMENT & TESTING SERVICES All of SGS’s provided services, including procurement and chassis dynamometer testing, are performed in full compliance with the US EPA, CARB, and CAP 2000 Emissions requirements. IN-USE PROCUREMENT Complete services for obtaining inuse vehicles for compliance testing All tasks

Program Management Services

Defining and Delivering Successful Projects We believe successful projects require a team that understands the testing technology as well as the process of project delivery SGS Columbus leads projects for new and renovated testing facilities and systems by: Listening to the testing requirements Understand and document the objectives Define test capabilities, data, and test articles

CyFlex Pre/Post 6.1 Memory Reuse

In versions of ASSET and CyFlex prior 6.1.x, when variables were deleted, they were actually completely removed from memory. BEFORE 6.1.x As a simple example, if you had a gen_labels file that contained only 3 variables and they were in this order (A, B, C), they would be allocated in memory is this order: A

Scientific Linux version 6.9 is recommended

Scientific Linux kernel version (2.6.32-754-6.3) is SL version 6.9. TRP Laboratories recommends that all installations of Scientific Linux be upgraded to the latest version (SL6.9) for maintenance and support reasons. Prior to the installation of SL6.9, we recommend you execute a go and capture the errors associated with that go. The following are instructions for

go.scp template file

Within the /cell.def directory of any cyflex.6.2 version, a prototype for a go.scp file that can be found. This prototype file contains a recommended sequence for launching applications and offers explanations of what certain applications are for. Future versions of this prototype will also reference appropriate user manuals that will become part of the standard

Optional process for automatically updating *.dat files in CyFlex exists

Starting with cyflex.6.2.11, the option to automatically update the *.dat files within CyFlex was enabled within the sys_start program. If the following keyword information is within the /data/cell_map_location file on a test cell, the specified .dat files will be updated when a sys_start is executed within the go.  If it is preferred that the *.dat

Change the Login on a Computer

To change the login on a computer from tc1 (old) to tc3 (new), the following steps should be taken: sudo   nedit   /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc Modify    AutoLoginUser=tc3 (to be the cell number) Modify    DefaultUser=tc3 To change on the computer: Click Start –>  Administration  –>Users and Groups  –  Enter the password when prompted Within the User Manager dialog:

Execution Sequence of Operations within a gp_test mode

The Test Manager (gp_test) uses a unique language for specifying actions within a test mode for setting control targets, requesting fuel readings, setting variable values, and so on.  The gp_test language is not a scripting language where the sequence of operation is based on the sequence in which the operations are specified.  Instead, there is

nt gp_idle vs. idle

On occasion, we have received complaints about the fact that it takes “gp_test” several seconds to process the “nt gp_idle” command and start the “gp_idle” procedure. A much quicker alternative is to use the “idle” command.  If you type the “nt gp_idle” command, you are instructing “gp_test” that it has a new root procedure and

CyFlex 6.2.15 Release – 09/17/2018

We would like to announce the release of CyFlex 6.2.15. Please refer to the below link for the release notes document to understand the nature of the changes in this release. CyFlex_Release_Notes_6.2.15 The following links have additional information: Installation procedure:  CyFlex 6.2.x Installation Procedure Release notes summary: CyFlex_Release_Notes_6.2.15.pdf Release notes details: * Jira Filter *If you